
Intro - Simulate Fog/Moon Effects in Genshin Impact Via ReShade

This project involves injecting custom shaders into the game Genshin Impact, implementing unique weather effects like foggy conditions during the day and night, as well as blood moons and lunar eclipses.

In the first part, we added custom moon and color filters to implement lunar eclipse and blood moon effects.

In the second part, we explored in-depth the simulation of foggy weather. We implemented adaptive depth fog, which can adjust according to the environment to enhance lighting effects at night.

Injecting custom shaders into Genshin Impact to add fog and moon effects required bypassing the game’s built-in anti-cheat system, which prevents modifications to the rendering pipeline. The Genshin-Impact-ReShade repository on GitHub solved this challenge.

By following the instructions and utilizing the tools provided in the repository, we successfully installed the necessary components on a Windows machine. This allowed us to inject our custom shaders, written using the ReShade FX shading language, into Genshin Impact.

ReShade FX is a shading language and compiler that shares similarities with HLSL (High-Level Shading Language). With the ability to inject custom shaders, we were able to implement the desired fog and moon effects in Genshin Impact. These effects enhance the visual atmosphere and immersion of the game, creating a more captivating experience for players.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that modifying the game’s rendering pipeline through shader injection may violate Genshin Impact’s terms of service or anti-cheat policies. Mengjun’s account is unfortunately banned temporarily when we were working on the project.

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